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Current Hyper Products

Information on the current products we offer in Hyper

Brandon Lett avatar
Written by Brandon Lett
Updated over a year ago

Hyper Linq Card - This was our first Hyper product that started it all. We carry this in black and white. We sell a standard Linq branded version and a custom version as well that you can upload any full color artwork file to be printed.

Hyper Linq Badge - Perfect for making a stand out contact exchange experience in an event setting. We also have a standard Linq Branded and a custom version of this which will be full color.

Hyper Linq Card Titanium - We upgraded our first Premium card to the Titanium material. We also upgraded the NFC chip and expanding the connecting area to the entire backside. The custom option for this would be Laser Engraving. This is not full color as the laser is just etching into the metal. We do also have a Linq branded standard version.

Hyper Linq Hub - Now our tabletop hub can have the upgraded Hyper experience. Right now we just have a custom option available for this and not a standard Linq branded option.

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