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Barrett Bisognani avatar
Written by Barrett Bisognani
Updated over 8 months ago


Files allows you to add downloadable content to your Linq page. Perfect for resumes, flyers, and mission statements/goals. Upload files, such as PDFs, PowerPoints, and more, for others to view and/or download. You may upload files up to 4 GBs in size for videos (Ex: .mp4, .mov, .webm) and 40 MBs for all other files.

How to Set Up Files


  1. Login to your Linq app or on with your computer.

  2. Go to your Pages section.

  3. Click Add Content.

  4. Select Files.

  5. Drag and drop your file in the box or click "browse" to search your files.

  6. Add a title to this section by editing the Section Header: "Download My Resume," "About the Business," etc.

  7. Add Button Text that displays on the link button so that users know what they are clicking and downloading.

  8. You can choose a provided color or make a custom one. This will make this content tile this chosen color.

  9. If you want to add more than one file, click +Add File before saving your changes.

  10. If you provide multiple files in this section, you can sort them in the order you prefer by selecting the Sort button in the top.

  11. Now you can click the double line next to the appropriate Button Text displayed, and drag and drop in the right order.

  12. Click Save when you are done.

  13. It will be the most recent addition to your Linq page at the bottom. You can always reorder your content by clicking the Sort button at the top of your Linq page.

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