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Expandable Text
Barrett Bisognani avatar
Written by Barrett Bisognani
Updated over 8 months ago

Expandable Text

Expandable Text is another custom text box. Similar to the About Me content tile, you can customize this tile to say whatever you want people to know. Add expandable text blocks to maximize space yet give people additional detail, as needed. Toggle is auto set to be minimized. Perfect for FAQs.

How to Set Up Expandable Text


  1. Login to your Linq app or on with your computer.

  2. Go to your Pages section.

  3. Click Add Content.

  4. Select Expandable Text.

  5. Add a title to this section by editing the Section Header. This will separate the content from the rest of your page.

  6. Add the Header Text to preface the body of the text.

  7. Add the information relating to the header text in the Body Text.

  8. If you want to add more than one text box, click the green +Add Expandable Text Block before saving your changes.

  9. Click Save.

  10. It will be the most recent addition to your Linq page at the bottom. You can always reorder your content by pressing the Sort button at the top of your Linq page.

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