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Video Embeds
Barrett Bisognani avatar
Written by Barrett Bisognani
Updated over 8 months ago

Video Embed

Video Embed gives you the option to add videos to your Linq page. Perfect for showing off your latest product, real estate listing, or your business' latest event. Embed a YouTube or Vimeo video so people can watch it directly on your page. Add one with a simple copy/paste of the url.

Before Setup

You will need the URL to your Vimeo or Youtube video. This can be found by going to that video and copying the URL here. You can also click the Share button on the video and copy the link from there. Have this handy for setting up this Video Embed.

How to Set Up Video Embed


  1. Login to your Linq app or on with your computer.

  2. Go to your Pages section.

  3. Click Add Content.

  4. Select Video Embed.

  5. You can add a title for this section on your page by editing the Section Header.

  6. Paste the video's URL in the provided field. If it is pasted in the wrong field, this button will not work on your page.

  7. Click Save.

  8. It will be the most recent addition to your Linq page at the bottom. You can always reorder your content by pressing the Sort button at the top of your Linq page.

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