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How to Manage Contacts
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Written by Team Success
Updated over a week ago

As you're sharing out your link page, each person will have the opportunity to submit their contact information to share with you.


All of that information will be collected here inside of the contacts tab. As an organizational admin, you'll have access to all of the contact information that is created by anyone within your organization.


You'll also see here that you have the ability to narrow down those contacts made by individual teams. At the top using the select button, you can actually select a few of these contacts and you have a handful of options to do actions in bulk, such as exporting VS SCSV, adding a label, sharing with


another person, or sending those contacts to your CRM integration. When you select one individual contact, you also have the ability to review that contact information, quick email or call, send this contact to an integration, add a label to better organize your contacts, and even add notes about that


person. Later, you can search by those notes to more easily find this contact. This just scratches the surface of all the things that you can do to continue that initial connection you created with that specific contact.

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