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CRM Integrations Overview
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Written by Team Success
Updated over a week ago

Within the admin dashboard, you can connect into your CRM with just a few simple steps. So if we come under uh integrate CRM, it may prompt you to create your first one if you don't already have one.


If you already have one, we can hit create new here. You'll see a different, few different options that we have of CRMs and other platforms you can integrate with.


Microsoft Dynamics sales force and HubSpot are native integrations, so you can integrate those from within the link app. The other ones we have listed here, we can possibly integrate with, plus more if you reach out to us.


It does take a little bit more of a custom build, but if we are going to integrate with one of these three native apps, they're pretty simple.
So what you're going to do is just click on the CRM you're looking to integrate with. It's going to have you open that account and it's going to different window to have you authorize that bridge to connect that your link account to your CRM account.


Once you've done that, it'll then show up here, like we have HubSpot production. If we dive into here, you'll see that there should be already some fields that are already mapped through.


If you'd like to add a new field to map through, you can. You can add new mapping. You'll see that as soon as it up here.


So if you want to add through a static value, like it was collected through link, maybe that's your lead source.

Then you can map that additional field through. You'll also want to give your teams access to it. So you can pick and choose what teams within your organization have access to use this bridge that you've built to your CRM.


So you'll see here we have Team A and Team B that have access to it, the others do not. So you can just select all of them if you want everybody in your organization to have access to be able to utilize this CRM that you've built.


Also under here you'll see logs, so you can send tests through if you'd like. Just to see if that bridge is successful.


You'll see that it may give you an error, but the good news is underneath these logs it'll show you what that error is.

So it looks like I was trying to map through a property to a field called note that does not exist on my CRM side, so it's letting me know that error so I can then go and correct that.


Once it's built in, if you come underneath your contacts here, you can then press this little upload button to manually push that through to your CRM, or you can build a workflow where you can have the trigger being every time a new contact is created from whoever you would like.


So we could say team B, save teams. We can have the trigger of whenever a new contact is created. We can filter it by select people if we want to, or apply it to everybody.


And then we could say the action is to upload that to our integration, which is the CRM integration we just built out.


So that way, any contact that's made by anybody we filtered by will automatically be sent through to HubSpot, Salesforce, whatever CRM that we built out.


Thank Thank Thank you.

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