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Photo Gallery

How to use the Photo Gallery content option on your Linq page.

Brandon Lett avatar
Written by Brandon Lett
Updated over 8 months ago

Photo Gallery

This content option is for showcasing photos on your Linq page. You can add as many photos as you like and it accepts the standard formats of files. It also allows you to provide a caption and a URL that the photo can link to.

How to use Photo Gallery

  1. Go to the Pages tab. (2nd icon from the left at the bottom of the app).

  2. Click Add Content.

  3. Find and click Photo Gallery in the content options.

  4. The Edit window will appear and provide a few fields to fill out.

  5. The Section Header will label this section on your page and defaults to "Photos".

  6. Click Add Image to add your picture from your files or device photos.

  7. Add a caption if it needs one as well as a URL if you wish.

  8. If you wish to add more photos to this same section of photos on your page, you will click the green +Add Photo button at the bottom.

  9. This will make a new blank photo section for you to add another photo and fill out the caption and URL.

  10. If you need to sort the order of these photos after adding them, you can by selecting the Sort tab in the top of the Edit window.

  11. You can drag and arrange the order of the photos in this section by clicking on the double line to the right of the caption that is displayed here.

  12. When you are done, click Save on this edit window.


  1. Adding additional photos in the same Photo Gallery Edit window makes them display in the same Photo Gallery section on your page.

  2. If you need to make a new separate Photo Gallery section to segment different types of photos, or have them in different places on your page, you will go back to Add Content and start a new Photo Gallery content section.

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